Title: Trace the Fun: Capital and Small Letter Adventure!
Welcome to an exciting tracing adventure where we explore both capital and small letters! Let’s grab our pencils and get ready to embark on a journey through the alphabet.
- Get your worksheet ready along with a pencil or crayon.
- Click [here](insert YouTube link) to watch a fun video tutorial for tracing directions.
- Start with the capital letters, tracing each one carefully.
- Once you’ve mastered the capitals, move on to the small letters.
- Take your time and have fun!
[Insert grid with both capital and small letters, each with dotted outlines for tracing.]
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
…and so on.
Tips for Tracing:
- Start each letter from the top and follow the dotted lines.
- Practice saying the letter out loud as you trace it.
- Take breaks if you need to and come back with fresh energy.
Bonus Challenge: Once you’ve traced all the letters, try writing them on a blank sheet without any guidance. See how many you can remember!
Happy Tracing!